Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Aging curbs ability to multi-task ... "

Have you noticed how often studies are taken to prove what we already know? For example, that as we age we are not able to multi-task as we did during our younger years. I do admit to finding the article in today's Star an interesting one. I have been accused (and rightly so) of multi-tasking my entire life. The Lisa M Krieger/McClatchy-Tribune article begins, "A new university study shows that as we age it gets tougher to successfully multi-task, or remember to complete one task after being distracted by another." All kidding aside, it is a good article - pull it up and see what you think. My six year old grandson is already multi-tasking. He was playing with his DS so I asked if I could turn the TV channel. His reply spoke volumes, "No Nana, I am watching TV while I am playing with my DS - me and dad do two things at the same time." Now, what was I doing before I decided to blog about this article??? Enjoy your Thursday. CA

1 comment:

  1. To be honest no, I have not noticed how often studies are taken to prove what we already know. I cannot say that I am multitasking person even though I am still in my thirties, which are new twenties :) I agree though that with years passing by, it becomes harder for people to learn things. Then again, everything depends upon a person. I read this post recently and thought it might be interesting for many of you guys here too. AS for the kids yes, they are extremely multitasking these days, a lot more than they were back in the days. Plus they are able to use gadgets we could not even imagine being at their age.
