Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sending lots of positive energy to Jack Layton

As Jack Layton steps aside to battle cancer I can't help but worry for him.   As positive as I am at all times (or most times) when a fellow cancer survivor is called to battle one more time it scares the beejesus out of all of us who have walked the freaking cancer plank.  This is such a bitch - pardon my language but in my head the language is much worse believe me!

Yes, at yesterday's news conference Jack looked gaunt, he had a very hoarse voice and as he shared that he is facing this killer disease again you almost knew immediately that photographers would all scramble for the best/worse picture they could get of him.  And, sure enough papers today confirm that gaunt expression. 

I hope that in the weeks to come we hear more about how Jack is doing but can we leave him with his dignity and not publish pictures unless he or his wife give them to us?  Please.

We are all pulling for you Jack and look forward to seeing you in full recovery mode in the fall. In the meantime, we send love, positive energy and all the support you need.

Carol Ann

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