Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Foster Child in Uganda

Many years ago James and I became Foster parents to a young boy by the name of Atuheire Amos who lived in Uganda with his mother, brother and little sister.  He was not yet attending school - although it was time - so his early letters consisted of drawings only with words written by others.  Gradually he could write notes to me and I was able to correspond with Amos and with his mother as well.  I loved hearing from them. Over time, Amos finished school and for reasons that aren't important here I stopped supporting this particular Foster Parent organization.  My mail exchange with Amos stopped at that time.

This morning I received an e mail from Amos - he is preparing to begin University in August.  I am thrilled for him and am equally thrilled to hear from him. Our only means of communication in the past has been via snail mail so his attempt to connect via e mail is a gift.

You never know what gift awaits when you log on in the morning!

Carol Ann

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