Monday, November 22, 2010

Volunteer outside of the box if you can...

We all volunteer if and when we can. This year, back in January, I began volunteering at the Good Neighbours' Club here in Toronto (GNC.) In some ways I did this for selfish reasons. All of my volunteer work to date had been within the cancer community. I needed to think outside of the box and for me that meant giving time to an organization that I was less familiar with. GNC is a day shelter for homeless and/or unemployeed men over 50. Some of the members are quick to point out that I should always say "currently" homeless and/or unemployed because many of them do get back on their feet and back into society with a home and sometimes even a job. I agree. I have met a number of members who were there every day until they found a shelter of their own - their own little home even if it is one room. It belongs to them and it is their home.

I spend each Wednesday morning at GNC and they know me as their "Writer in Residence." When we first met we worked on letters to our Canadian soldiers, then I wrote stories about individuals when they asked me to do so. Now, a number of members are working on their own story - possibly their own book -and I help them by editing their work and offering comments each week when we sit down together. A number of the members have a computer or have access to the computers available at the Club. This enables us to work via e-mail so we don't have to wait until Wednesday mornings.

If you live in Toronto, or if you read the Toronto Star you know Joe Fiorito. Joe is a champion of the little guy and he is a great friend of the Club. I met Joe at GNC a few months ago and to this day the members still talk about meeting him that day. They quote him (not always accurately but I don't think Joe would mind.) Joe wrote a great article after being with the members and having a tour of the Club and that article was a greater gift than you can imagine. These men deserve to be acknowledged, listened to and helped - they get that from people like Joe Fiorito.

I guess my reason for writing about GNC this morning is to ask all of you to consider, maybe starting in the New Year, to volunteer outside of the box. Believe, me you will get as much out of it as those you are able to help. Look around your own community, your small corner of the world and find a way to give back - your way.

Something else promoted me to write to you this morning. I just read a wonderful addition to a story one of the members is working on for his own book. Louis e-mailed it to me over the weekend and his writing is good - very good. I am actually confident we will be able to find a publisher for his story. If politics don't get in the way.

You have a good week and thanks for being in touch.

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