Monday, January 10, 2011

Heritage property

Those of us who live in downtown Toronto love living here. I totally get why it is only us who understand the reasons we do so. You have to live downtown to love it!
I have always been interested in antiques and in heritage buildings. As I have become less and less materialistic over the years I have shed many of my pieces of antique furniture - albeit family and friends now have some of my antiques so I can "visit them."
It seems that heritage buildings carry minor importance in the big scheme of things. Case in point, the beautiful building that sat at 335 Yonge Street since sometime before 1847. I have walked past this address for many years and saw one corner of the main floor operate as a hot dog restaurant, a shoe store, a salad restaurant and a Tatami restaurant....and I am probably missing a few others. In April of last year a section of this building, the only surviving 19th century commercial building along the east side of Yonge Street in the block between Dundas and Gould Streets, colapsed onto Gound Street. Not much seemed to be happening over the next several months. Then, as 2011 began, on January 3rd a six-alarm fire engulfed the building and virtually destroyed the landmark.
Shame on us Toronto!

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