Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year!
It is almost time for a new year - a new beginning - an new opportunity.
Happy New Year to everyone and I hope our paths continue to cross in 2013.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Friday, December 28, 2012
When "backless" refers to shoes not dresses.....
I am not even remotely suggesting that this "Easy Spirit" running shoe on the left should replace the high heeled shoes that we women love so much.
However, you know you are getting old when ... ... on a shopping spree at the Outlet mall in Niagara Falls your are thrilled to find this backless running shoe, size six and black - exactly what you are looking for. And for those of you who know my back/foot issues you can imagine how thrilled I am with this purchase.
Bring on the New Year's exercise routine.
Enjoy your day - that's it for me. Shopping done for 2012.
However, you know you are getting old when ... ... on a shopping spree at the Outlet mall in Niagara Falls your are thrilled to find this backless running shoe, size six and black - exactly what you are looking for. And for those of you who know my back/foot issues you can imagine how thrilled I am with this purchase.
Bring on the New Year's exercise routine.
Enjoy your day - that's it for me. Shopping done for 2012.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Over for another year!
And isn't this what Christmas is really all about? Lexi and Jalen loved it all - Onward now towards 2013.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Mary Rose Cole (d'Entremont)

I will share a 'lighter' story with you re the top photo. If you look closely you will see a hint of red in my attire - red tights - but it was Christmas (1991) after all so that is my defense. My mother did not approve of women wearing tights and I knew that. James was taking the photo and she kept asking him to zoom in because she didn't want my tights to show. I kept saying, "not that close" and back and forth the discussion went. It was a very happy moment and James captured a lovely image for us.
I used this photo a few years after her passing when we launched the Comfort Heart Initiative in mom's memory. Thanks to Bell, 30,000 brochures were printed with this photo giving a face to the story about mom and I.
My mother taught me so many things. RIP mom. I am still trying!
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
As we get closer to Christmas day I have been looking at our "Family Christmas Book" that we first began to write in back in 1982. The book followed mom and wherever she went for Christmas so did the book. And, I followed mom .... The book covers 25 years - and it is such a treasure now.
Each year we wrote of family events and we captured family photos. In the small photo above Mom is pinning a flower on James - we were off to his high school have to love his long hair!
Have a good Wednesday.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Monday, December 17, 2012
For all of my female friends who work so hard....
In this sad world as we grieve the loss of the children murdered in the USA I felt a need to help you smile, even if only for a second.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Cooking the turkey...
Come on - this turkey has been photo shopped don't you think?
I know for a fact, and from personal experience, that Swiss Chalet offers the perfect turkey dinner and even SC can't make it look like this.
All those years of "Boil in a Bag" have stunted my education re the evolution of cooking the turkey. Too late to learn now..........bring on the reservation.....
From the heart,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Guns in the USA
A very dear friend of mine has family - including three beautiful grandchildren - who lives close to the mass murder scene in CT. I hated to dial her number yesterday but had to know if her family was okay. She answered with, "Thanks for checking in - everyone is okay." Her grandchildren did not attend this particular school.
Sadly some one's children/grandchildren were not okay. They were murdered by a very ill young man.
For God-freaking-sake something has to change in America. The numbers don't lie. Pardon my language.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
CT Angels
RIP - to all those who have lost their lives in this latest shooting in the USA. So many tiny angels.....something has to change America! Guns are killing your people.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Looking back....and Then Looking Forward
I absolutely love this time of year.
During my "Bell career days" I actually loved working between Christmas and New Year's because I used that time to clear out old files and create new ones. Doesn't sound like much but it sure did work for me.
I think looking back is important if you do it in a positive way. Our memories are back there and so are the accomplishments we worked so hard on. It is good to look back to reflect (and tough times are back there too!) - but then it's forward into a brand new year and all that is open to us in 2013.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Dining out

From the heart
Monday, December 10, 2012
My Christmas card to you this year...
This is my version of "sending Christmas cards this year" and I hope it brings a smile to your face.
Merry Christmas to all of my friends and I hope 2013 brings much of what you are hoping for.
Carol Ann
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Mary Rose Cole (d'Entremont)
Everyone who has touched our hearts and passed away represents a missing piece of our heart don't you think?
I love this photo of my beautiful mother taken in June 1965. I had left home a year earlier and when I returned for my first (of many) vacations I snapped pictures of everyone in every room in our little Wilmot home.
Mom was working in the kitchen in this photo - she was never without a smile for her daughters. And she was almost always in the kitchen!
December 22nd I will celebrate mom's birthday as I do each year and on the 20th I will remember the day we lost her - cancer took her life twenty years ago this month Hard to believe.When your mother dies................hard to put into words.
Rest in peace mom - thinking of you always.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
I love this photo of my beautiful mother taken in June 1965. I had left home a year earlier and when I returned for my first (of many) vacations I snapped pictures of everyone in every room in our little Wilmot home.
Mom was working in the kitchen in this photo - she was never without a smile for her daughters. And she was almost always in the kitchen!
December 22nd I will celebrate mom's birthday as I do each year and on the 20th I will remember the day we lost her - cancer took her life twenty years ago this month Hard to believe.When your mother dies................hard to put into words.
Rest in peace mom - thinking of you always.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Friday, December 7, 2012
Let the Christmas parties begin ...
I don't attend that many Christmas parties really. Heading out to one now but going solo so it won't be a late night.
You know how it is - can't see in the dark so can't drive in the dark............and on and on and on it goes!
You have a great night.
Breaking up is hard to do
My FibeTV has been working without interruption for 24 hours and I swear to God if that does not continue we are breaking up!
Colour me optimistic albeit somewhat doubtful given the last several months...and longer.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Paradise novel hits the 200 page mark!
I am in the home stretch with my novel and have concluded that Paradise will be the first of two or the first in a series...very exciting....
Carol Ann
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?
Maria (in the middle) and Linda Brown at the Fieldway Life Members Christmas luncheon I mentioned here yesterday.
Maria and I did not work together during our Bell careers but we have always worked together on our love of charity and volunteer work. She is one of the funniest ladies I know and just seeing her makes me smile!
Linda Brown was our nurse in the Medical Department at Bell and twenty years ago this month she was more than a nurse to me. As my mother faced her final days in her battle with cancer Linda was a friend, confident and shoulder to lean on. She always remained totally professional yet her kindness and caring attitude served as a constant reminder that we were not alone.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Fieldway Life Members...
These are some of my Bell friends who have a heart - the Fieldway Life Members donated in a huge way today by bringing an unwrapped toy when they attended the annual Christmas luncheon. All toys (and food supplies too) were donated to the Salvation Army.
The Bell family really is a family.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
The Bell family really is a family.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Dolls and Cars
Lexi has inherited many of Jalen's cars and this past weekend her "briefcase of cars" was her go-to-toy very early in the morning.
Young girls can play with cars and dolls too - they can do it all. Don't automatically assume that your grand daughter wants a doll!
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Gifts that Matter
When Jalen was very small one of his favourite things to do when visiting with me was to crawl under the bed. He would hide there, play there and laugh there! It was a gift each time I saw him head for my bed and in this photo I crawled under the bed with him.
And, yes it is a very high bed so lots of room underneath!!
And, yes it is a very high bed so lots of room underneath!!
Draft one of From the Heart
I shared this photo with you here on September 2nd. At that time, I was beginning the process of sifting through over 1000 letters looking for the stories we will publish in From the Heart.
I have been very touched by the input I have received from readers of my blog and updates on my facebook page - thanks for all of your help!
After reading each and every letter I have saved, I was able to select close to 100 stories from a collection of letters, cards, e mails and journal entries capturing your thoughts about your own Comfort Heart.
A few days ago I shared the first draft of From the Heart with CBCF and following several draft changes and updates yet to come, the hard work will begin - the editing and layout of the book.
Our (your) book is taking shape and I wanted to share that with you. The price I pay for asking you to submit your stories when I first wrote about From the Heart in September is that I continue to receive your stories and unfortunately we won't be able to use all of them. I am sure you will understand and I am hopeful that you will be happy with the final result.
I am hoping for a spring or summer 2013 book launch but it is a bit too soon to confirm that. Stay tuned, and thanks so much for your continued support of the Comfort Heart Initiative and of From the Heart.
Carol Ann
Monday, December 3, 2012
Three weeks from today - Christmas Eve
Every year Nova Scotia sends a Christmas tree to Boston - my NS FB friends know why.
Three weeks from this evening children will be hanging their stocking - so will I actually.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Jalen's turn...
Jalen loves school and sports! In the above photo he is doing a bit of 'reviewing' before catching the school bus and on the left is our future NHL player.
Speaking of the NHL - I think I am ending my relationship with "Hockey Night In Canada." Honestly my love affair with hockey began when I was a teenager but enough is enough. We are breaking up - damn, that's one more relationship down the drain....
From the heart,
Speaking of the NHL - I think I am ending my relationship with "Hockey Night In Canada." Honestly my love affair with hockey began when I was a teenager but enough is enough. We are breaking up - damn, that's one more relationship down the drain....
From the heart,
Enjoying quality time...
When Lexi listens to music she plays all of it at the same the picture above most of the animals around her are musical. She fires all of them up and dances with her dolly. How cute is that!
Love it
Love it
Decorating part two
Then, she helped Daddy select dance music holding her own small battery operated tree in her can see the glow from the small tree.
That small tree in her hand by the way - not such a great idea for someone under two years old. Lexi kept putting it in her mouth so I ended up tucking it away in my suitcase - for another year.
My bad.
Decorating the Christmas tree
Jalen on the other hand has memories of tree trimming each year and he is totally keen to get the tree up. He hangs the first ornament and helps until all decorations are on the tree.
It is a beautiful tree don't you think?
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
With thanks to both ...
A gentle reminder we can share with our children, our grand children, those we chose to mentor and pretty much anyone feeling put-down by others.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Beautiful Halifax harbour
I know the Halifax harbour doesn't look quite this good all the time - but I miss it and I miss my view!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The fate of the land line
This is even more funny given that I am in the process of giving up my land line! Just need to update my Blackberry appropriately before I 'let go.'
The main argument for keeping my land line is that I live on the 21st floor and if the power goes out so does my cell phone.............guess that makes me a risk taker! If the power goes out please come and rescue me.................
Monday, November 19, 2012
Can you relate?
Great game with Jalen last week. We had many many socks on the floor and were trying to match them and see who could 'win' the final tally of pairs matched.
It was all part of earning his allowance so it's not as if I was paying him to do something he should not be paid to do. And, it was actually fun. His focus was 100% and he did manage to earn his allowance - 25 cents per pair.
From the heart,
Carol Ann
My female friends know this already....
And, honestly, most of my male friends do too!
Meeting two good friends, Jeanette and Dawn, today for some retail therapy. Always a good way to begin the week. I only seem to shop in my 'hood when I have company so it's all good.
Have a good week all......
From the heart,
Carol Ann
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