Monday, October 18, 2010

My Toronto "garden"

You know the commercials that poke fun of those of us living in Toronto when we could be living in Nova Scotia? The commercial talks about how far our money will go here versus there.

I moved back to Toronto to be closer to family NOT because I didn't love living in Halifax Nova Scotia. When I was home last week (home for me is Halifax) there were many jokes about Toronto. When I am here in Toronto there are many jokes about the Maritimes - I can't win!

So I want to share my "garden" with you. It's true that it isn't much of a garden compared to NS gardens. It is on my small balcony on the 21st floor overlooking the Rosedale Valley. Okay, it doesn't have any plants but it does show my love of old boxes, candles, sea shells, hearts and my very own buoy.

I promised a few friends in NS that I would post a picture of my garden to prove that I do, indeed, have a garden. It may not be what you expected but it's not that it????


Carol Ann

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